At Second Unitarian Church, we are a community bound by love, strengthened by connection, and united by a shared vision for a better world. This year, our Annual Giving Campaign celebrates these enduring bonds with the theme “Anchored in Love, Rooted in Community.”
To be anchored in love means grounding ourselves in compassion, generosity, and care for one another. To be rooted in community means nurturing the relationships, values, and commitments that allow us to thrive together.
Your generosity ensures that Second Unitarian Church remains a place where:
Love anchors us in the work of justice, faith, and care for one another.
Community roots us in shared action, celebration, and spiritual growth.
Our aspirations become realities, from vibrant worship and music to impactful outreach and education.
Through your support, we grow stronger, deeper, and more resilient. Together, we make it possible to sustain and expand the vital work of our congregation. Join us in ensuring that Second Unitarian Church continues to be a beacon of love and a haven of community. Let’s celebrate what we’ve built and imagine all that we can create, together.
Financial pledges from our beloved congregants —YOU!—are the primary way 2U funds the congregation’s ministries and operations.
Support our beloved church by pledging a gift to aid Sunday services, music, education, groups, justice actions, ministries, committees, programming, and staff. Your commitment, whether monthly, annually, or when possible, contributes to our caring, inclusive, and justice-seeking community through the Annual Giving Campaign.
2U's Financial Path: Investing in Our Shared Future
As we embark on another year and our annual giving campaign, we reflect on the financial journey of 2U. We began the year with a budget deficit, a challenge we're actively addressing. Through your generous support, we're making significant progress towards eliminating the $14,000 shortfall.
Our Finance Committee has been diligently monitoring 2U's financial health. While some economic factors haven't been in our favor, others have, creating a positive overall trend.
Here's a snapshot of our current financial picture:
Economic Landscape: While inflation has stabilized, lower interest rates have impacted income from the Fitts Fund (comprised of fixed-income assets). This has resulted in a 41% reduction in expected budgeted income from this source.
Success Stories: Our recent Fall Fest was a resounding success, exceeding our fundraising goals! The return of passing the collection plate has seen a positive uptick in plate giving during service.
While our reserves provide a safety net, long-term sustainability relies on our collective commitment. Every contribution, regardless of size, fuels our programs, initiatives, and community.
This year, let's invest in the dreams that build our community:
Outreach and Support: Strengthening our partnerships with The Night Ministry, Community Jail Support, and Welcome Corp.
Social Justice: Deepening our engagement with ONE Northside and the Community Renewal Society.
Internal Growth: Empowering our committees, ministries, and teams to make a meaningful impact.
Increased participation, even with modest pledges, is vital to achieving our goals. This campaign is an investment in the future of 2U, reflecting our values, celebrating our spirit, and strengthening our community. Let's open our hearts, consider our gifts, and join hands in building a 2U that's rooted in community – for ourselves and the world we yearn for. Every contribution matters. Together, we are stronger!
We ask you to consider a 15% or a $365 increase to your pledge. An additional $1 per day from all members & friends would:
Continue support for inspiring worship, music & RE programs, pastoral ministry, & social justice initiatives.
Continue to build a multi-generational, multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-religious faith community.
Maintain staffing & provide a cost-of-living increase for our dedicated staff.
Support new opportunities & technologies to deepen connections as we continue to renovate our building.
Continue support to our national & regional UU offices.
How much should you give?
Everyone’s circumstances are different. We recognize and deeply embrace the financial diversity of our congregation. Some will be able to give a lot; some will not be able to give.
To make 2U a place for ALL, we ask those who can make a greater financial commitment to our community. Or as one member describes it, "Give until it feels good." As a reference point, it might help to know that it costs $44,370 per month to run 2U and, for the 2025-2026 church year, we need an average annual pledge of $4,260 from each pledged household to operate.
For more info, please check out the UUA’s Fair Share Giving Guide
Red contributors live comfortably and have discretionary income. If you have a well-paying job, a pension, or income-producing assets, you may think of yourself as pledging red. These members pledged from $10,000 to $25,000 per person for our current year.
Magenta is like red, only a little bluer. Magenta means you generally have enough money to meet your needs. You may have kids in college or other obligations that reduce your discretionary spending. You usually pay bills on time. Individual magenta members pledge $2,500 to $9,999.
Purple is a beautiful and mysterious color. Purple may be living on a fixed income. You may have income that's up one year and down the next. You live modestly. You may be helping family members. Purple-hued individuals generally pledge $500 to $2,499.
Blue does not have a lot of money to spare. Blue may be paying off loans or living on a very modest income. Blue is beautiful and a valued part of this community. Blue pledges $50 to $499 per person. Some red, magenta, and purple households may be pledging bluish.
Make Your Pledge
Step 1: Make Your Pledge
Making your pledge has never been easier! Click on this link to make your pledge online. We'll email you a confirmation of your pledge.
Step 2: Set Up Recurring Payments
1) Log into Breeze
2) Click on "Give Now" or, from the dashboard, "Give a gift."
3) Enter the amount you'd like to give.
4) Click "Give to Additional Giving," select "Give to Pledges 24/25
5) Then click "one-time gift" and select a different frequency from the dropdown menu (weekly, every two weeks, monthly, yearly).
6) Select your Payment Method, then click "Continue."
7) Leave a comment and choose if you would like to add the processing fees. (only available if your church has chosen to make this option available.)
8) Click the "Give $" button.
Step 3: Receive Statements
Once you've set up recurring payments, we'll send you monthly statements to keep track of your pledge progress and to have for tax purposes. This will also include your additional giving information such as Plate Share contributions, fundraisers, and more. If you have any questions about your statements, email Brandon Nicks, our Office Administrator at office@secondunitarian.org.