We are delighted to welcome you to Second Unitarian Church of Chicago (2U), where we seek to create a vibrant, inclusive faith community. Finding a new community and making new connections can be challenging. Please know that we’re excited to have you and look forward to getting to know you.
Whether you are joining us for the first time, or the thousandth time, YOU are welcome here! Whatever your race, whomever you love, whichever way you move in the world, however much money is in your pocket—YOU are welcome here! Whether you believe in God some of the time, all of the time, or none of the time—YOU are welcome here!
Our Sunday service and children’s programming start at 10:30am and last about an hour. Each week, we explore an inclusive theme that’s woven through our service, from the opening hymn to our Story for All Ages, in readings from religious and other insightful sources, in song from our church’s musicians, and in a message from the pulpit.
There is a time in the service when people are invited to silently reflect and light candles for concerns or celebrations in their lives. The Sunday collection is shared with a not-for-profit organization each week so you may hear some information about that group’s social justice work in the community.
After the service, please stay and ask questions. Check out the Welcome Table outside the sanctuary so you can learn about upcoming activities. Immediately following services, there is also a social time with coffee, tea, and snacks.
We are an LGBTQ/HIV+ Affirming & Celebrating Congregation
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Unitarian Universalists are seekers who are committed not only to spiritual growth and transformation but also to involvement in the world. Ours is a living faith that acknowledges that truth is not sealed and that the journey is more important than the answers. While we uphold shared principles, we hold varied beliefs and therefore do not have a creed. Our beliefs come from not one but many sources. We draw wisdom and inspiration from all of the world’s great religions and prophetic men and women.
We covenant to build a community that challenges us to grow and empowers us to honor the truth within ourselves. We will be generous with our gifts and honest in our communication, holding faithful to a love that embraces both diversity and conflict. Called by our living tradition, we will nurture spirituality within a vision of the eternal, living out our inner convictions through struggles for justice and acts of compassion.
“We seek to create a vibrant, inclusive faith community. We envision a place of sanctuary and spiritual growth. Together, we aspire to build a just and compassionate world.”
Our vision statement is intended to capture our essence, value, and aspiration — big ideas and complex concepts conveyed in a few words. It derives from our Unitarian Universalist seven principles, the covenant that binds us, and lots of listening and synthesizing of input from our community. Together with the 2U mission and five-year strategic plan, the vision gives direction to the work of our ministry and congregation, and all that implies. In crafting the vision statement, we sought to prioritize the enduring, compelling ideas that bring each of us to 2U, and that tell others who we are and seek to be. Our vision weaves together three interlocking spheres – of individual spiritual exploration and growth, of the nurturing of the church community, and of our impact on the city and world around us. We hope this vision statement serves as a north star, a motivational force, and a subject of exploration and action.
Please visit us on YouTube to view our past sermons.