Our caring and qualified staff, along with dedicated volunteers, create a warm and nurturing environment for your infants and toddlers in the Green Caterpillar Room. Conveniently located on the main floor, just off the Palmer Room and outside the sanctuary, you can check in at the Children & Youth Welcome Table, receive your child’s name tag, and drop them off before the service begins. Please pick up your child promptly after the service concludes.
Parents are requested to:
Fill out a registration form before leaving your child.
Bring a change of clothes, diapers, any milk or food (if needed) in a bag marked with the child’s name.
Change the child’s diaper before leaving him/her/them
Inform volunteers of any allergies or other issues about your child
Sit at the back of the sanctuary so we can find you if needed
Our Green Caterpillar room is open for parents to use for changing diapers, feeding or calming a child at any time, even if they aren’t staffed. There is also a changing table located in the gender neutral bathroom on the south side of the basement.