Support Resources
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline: 888-293-2080
Emergency Shelter: 311
LGBTQ+ Teen and Young Adult Emergency Shelter: 877-286-2523
Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860, translifeline.org
The Trevor Project: call 1-866-488-7386 or text "START" to 678-678, thetrevorproject.org
LGBT National Help Center: 888-843-4564, glbthotline.com
The 988 Lifeline : Call 988 and press 3 for an LGBTQI-trained crisis counselor, text PRIDE to 988, or chat online at 988lifeline.org
Crisis Text Line: text "HOME" to 741-741, crisistextline.org
Call BlackLine: 1-800-604-5841, callblackline.com
DeQH Helpline: 908-367-3374, deqh.org
LGBTQ+ Center Directory: lgbtqcenters.org/LGBTCenters