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Sunday Service

  • Second Unitarian Church, The Admiral at the Lake, Online via Zoom (map)

Worship at Second Unitarian Church

Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 656 W. Barry Ave, Chicago, IL. Church service and children’s programming start at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday.

We Gather Together

Sunday mornings kick off with warm greetings, embracing the acceptance of who we are and the joy of reconnecting. Attire is diverse, with a focus beyond clothing.

Each week, our service explores a theme woven through the opening hymn, Story for All Ages, readings from various sources, musical performances, and a pulpit message. Inspiration stems from seasons, holidays, community, social and global issues, and the eternal questions guiding our path in this world. During the service, there’s a moment to silently light candles for personal concerns or celebrations. A collection is taken, and shared with a different not-for-profit organization each month, shedding light on their social justice work in the community.

After the service, stay for questions and visit the Welcome Table for upcoming activities. Enjoy social time with coffee, tea, and snacks. Volunteering as a coffee host is a wonderful way to engage.

We Worship With Our Children

Our belief in the importance of children in our community is reflected in shared worship, strengthening our larger family. This practice is integral to the religious education of our youngest members. Children of all ages are welcome in Sunday worship; formal religious education starts after the Story for All Ages. Children then proceed to their classes with their teachers.

Intergenerational Worship

Several times a year, we unite—young and old—for an entire service. Nursery care remains available, but children’s classes are suspended. If you’re new, this is an excellent day to visit with your children. Stay together as a family and explore the church, gaining a sneak peek at the children’s classrooms for your next visit.

April 3

2U Choir Rehearsal

April 6

Social Justice Conversations