Social justice has long been an interest of Second Unitarian congregants. The purpose of the Social Justice Ministry (SJM) is to promote, support, and facilitate the social justice interests and ministries of the congregation, consistent with the UU principles and purposes. It aims to empower and leverage the efforts of 2U congregants to make their world more just and compassionate.

Our social justice ministries have been varied in focus, type of activity, nature, and level of congregational participation; including one-time or occasional events (like spotlight speakers on climate justice or marching in the LGBTQ Pride or Disability Pride parades), long-term commitments to an organization or a cause (like One Northside, the Jane Addams Senior Caucus, or the Night Ministry), or study of an issue (like anti-racism or Green Sanctuary). One of the most visible social justice ministries of the Church is the Plate Sharing Program, in which the Sunday offering is split with an organization that is identified by members of 2U and that shares the values of 2U.

Monthly notes/reports to the 2U Council are posted in The Hammer. You can sign up below for The Hammer to find out how to engage in social justice issues in Chicago. Volunteers with Night Ministry, ONE Northside, Jane Addams Senior Caucus, Chicago Religious Leadership Network, Showing Up for Racial Justice, etc. will continue, as congregational involvement will focus on two targets: challenging the Prison Industrial Complex and with Climate and Environmental Justice Solutions.

Point of Contact:

  • Joe Macaré

Meeting Regularity:

We meet once a month, with occasional special activities.

Want to learn more?

Curious to learn more about our ministries or committees? Eager to get involved and make a difference? Have insights or ideas you'd like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Reach out to us to discover how you can be a part of our vibrant community and contribute to our mission.