Mental Health Moment 7/1/2024

The Care and Keeping Of Your Anxiety.

In the new movie, INSIDE OUT 2, our main character Riley is growing older and hitting the teen years, And with growing up, comes new emotions including Anxiety.

From the moment Anxiety came on screen, I wanted to both give her a hug and lock her out of the room. I know Anxiety. She runs like a hamster on a wheel in my brain. And, while I still find her a very frustrating companion, I have learned how to make peace with her and to love her, at least some of the time.

Much like in the movie, Anxiety often thinks she is protecting me from something. Failure, embarrassment, shame, etc. Anxiety is pretty sure that if I would just let her steer this ship, all of that could be avoided. But Anxiety moves too fast and tries too many things and, well, if you have seen the movie, you know what happens next. 

If you also carry anxiety with you, I encourage you to talk with someone about it. It is possible that you can make peace with your anxiety and learn from it. It is also okay if your anxiety is too overwhelming, and you and your medical provider decide to explore medical treatments to help with management. Learning to care for your anxiety does not mean you need to suffer needlessly.  

Here are some other techniques you can use while learning how to care for your anxiety and yourself.

In the meanwhile, when your anxiety becomes too loud and overwhelming, I wish you comfy chairs, many cups of tea, and friends and family to support you. 

Jennifer Kronk is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor practicing in the Chicago area.


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