Letter from the Board 7/1/2024

Dear 2U Community,

Happy July! I’m privileged to be the new 2U board chair and am looking forward to this new role, working with Rev. Jason, the board, the 2U staff and committees, and all of you. I am delighted to welcome Gregory Potts and Tom Denio to the board, and am grateful to Clare Gervasi, Barb Michael, Carla Tebbe, and Rob Muller for their continued service. I am also grateful to John Broome, who will continue to serve as the board’s representative to the construction and capital improvement project, providing a steady touchpoint with our contractors and SCOPE committee. Thank you as well to Curtis Smith for all of his efforts as treasurer this past year; his thoughtful work is deeply appreciated.

At the UUA General Assembly, a national gathering of UUs that was held virtually from June 20-23, the assembly voted overwhelmingly to adopt the new version of the Article II of our UUA bylaws. This article previously described the famous “7 principles and 6 sources.” The revision describes 6 essential values of Interdependence, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Generosity, and Justice, with Love at the center of all of these values, and you can see the new language here. This is a new covenant for the UUA, a notable change for our community, and a new horizon that we will discuss throughout this church year. Look for more updates from General Assembly and more discussion of the newly adopted UUA values to come!

As we enter the new church year, please remember that your board and I always want to hear from you. What questions do you have about 2U? How can we, as a community, support you better? Send me an email (mtadunning@gmail.com) or give me a call (773-600-8407). 

While Rev. Jason is away from the church in July for vacation and spiritual reflection and will not be available during this time except in extreme emergencies, your 2U community is still here for you. If you have pastoral care needs, please reach out to Andrea Redfairn and the pastoral care team for support. 

I am looking forward to a year of continuing to grow as an inclusive faith community together,

–Megan Dunning, 2U Board Chair


Mental Health Moment 7/1/2024


Construction Update 7/1/2024